My Dream

Why Me?


"Why me?  I am nothing." so says my brain.

The voice said, "Diane be the light and inspire the world." 

At first, I haphazardly traverse the world, fearful and depressed, angry and needy. 

Thankfully, a voice of reason speaks to me from the dark recesses of my heart and tells me to put one foot in front of another and move through this existence.

Finally, the light fills my heart, love crowds out the fear, depression, anxiety, neediness and anger. All forms of fear bow to love and the present moment opens up into endless potential realities.

If we are dreaming here on earth, then let's make it a good one!

Destiny Retreats, Beloved Community in Las Vegas and Reflections Counseling

You can access the schedules of retreats, classes, and events at

We study A Course in Miracles, The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking (book by James Twyman), create the Despacho in a spiritual service that includes peace prayers from around the world, meditate, teach altered states of consciousness in the breath group and hold retreats in beautiful locations around the world for your spiritual growth and happiness.

Join My Journey

Join me in my journey to hold the vision of an age of miracles, peace and prosperity on earth. Add your energy  to the mission of heaven on earth.  Start your journey in the mirror today as you say to yourself, "I am the love of my life."  Now keep repeating it until it becomes your mantra for everyone and everything.